
Tag: race

Historically Disadvantaged


I’ve fallen in love with the work of South African artist Anton Kannemeyer. It’s offensive (which is probably why I love it), but it hits the nail on its head. This piece especially gives me flashbacks to my student days. Hanging in Utrecht, surrounded by very politically correct girls who gladly swallowed the concept of cultural relativism, politically correct discourse and pacifism as their main ideology.

During my time in the field, all those very idealist ideas, and need to explore what Mark Twain would call ‘the territory’, were blocked by your typical Eurocentrism and desire to cross that ethno-sexual boundary.   I remember the lovely slip of the tongue: “I want to do something with blacks! Shit…I mean ‘blackness’, yes blackness!” We all knew what was on her mind.

Kannemeyer’s work really brought me back to those times, and more specifically to that girl who wanted to study blacks, sorry I mean ‘historically disadvantaged’.

Maybe I should try to contact him to do an album cover for Allochtoontje Lager…

De evolutie van ras in Peru

De indeling van mensen in verschillende rassen wordt vaak gezien als iets dat is gebaseerd op biologie. Er is echter geen genetisch bewijs dat mensen duidelijk in te delen zijn in raciale groepen. Ras is een sociale constructie dat bedacht is door mensen en daarom veranderlijk. In Peru, net als in veel andere landen, wordt deze gebruikt gebruikt om maatschappelijke hiërarchie te maken. De definities van ras heeft in Peru echter een lange evolutie ondergaan en is door de jaren heen vaak veranderd. Desondanks is de hiërarchie zelf (en het racisme dat hieruit voortkomt) vrijwel hetzelfde gebleven.

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JUGEND (sans electronique) pictures!

So once again our mighty heroes from Rotterdam have descended upon the masses to bring them repressive entertainment. This time we would attack The Hague. We were invited by the people from the TOTALARTS festival (and more specifically UNAMI) to play at 330 Live. For those of you who do not know this place, it’s the basement of Cremers (yes, that coffeeshop). But don’t say that too loud since the basement wants to build a name for itself rather than being just “the basement of”!

Our original plan was to show up with an electronic set and praised to the gods if we could manage to play for fifteen minutes. Sadly enough Timo, our technological monster had a bad case of…well, it’s a bit of a mystery, at the moment I’m hoping it won’t turn into pneumonia.


So we were forced to once again, like the radio performance of the week before, do an acoustic gig. We’ve have to dub these the “Sans Electronique” gigs. Great thing about them is that we need very little equipment. No need for extra amps, effects, laptops, cabinets, bass speakers, sound cards, synths, and so on and so on. We simply bring the acoustic guitar and our outfits (HIJ IS GEWOON DE NORMALE MAN MET Z’N GLITTERPAKKIE AN!!!)

But yeah, the gig was a lot of fun! The Hague generally is quite a cool city to play in. I think the reception we’ve received there so far has been very welcoming. Hopefully we’ll be able to do some more shows in the near future…


More pictures of this gig can be viewed here. Pictures by Marc Mikaelian |

Check out more on JUGEND over here.

Another JUGEND unplugged video?